Patient Information

Making a Decision to Have LASIK

Suitability for LASIK depends on the amount and type of refractive error, the curvature and thickness of your cornea and a number of other factors.

People who are most satisfied with the results of laser correction have realistic expectations of the outcome and clearly understand the minimal potential risks and side effects.

Requirements for Laser Eye Surgery

  • Minimum age: 20 years
  • Stable vision (spectacle prescription) for at least 1 year
  • Absence of other eye diseases, especially those affecting the cornea
  • Not pregnant or breastfeeding


Modern laser refractive surgery is very safe and effective, with most people being very happy with the results. We commonly hear that it is the best thing they have ever done and wished they did it years ago.

You do need to be aware that the procedure is performed on living tissue and at times the cornea can react to the laser in ways we cannot measure beforehand, hence there may be some variability with the results.

What this means is that your unaided vision after LASIK may not be quite as good as it is now with your glasses or contact lenses and it may not be possible for us to improve it. Often the vision in one eye will turn out to be slightly better than the other when tested individually.

We aim to reduce your need for glasses in most situations but there may be some instances such as driving at night or for extended periods of focusing at short distances (for example reading) where you still may require them.

Please note, some redness immediately after LASIK surgery is common, especially where the white meets the clear part of your eye. These red patches are like small bruises and will clear over the first month. They are nothing to be worried about.

Visit our FAQ page for more information about what the expect before, during and after laser eye surgery.

Contact Lions Laser Vision

Please call us at Lions Laser Vision and speak with one of our clinical coordinators who will be able to answer your questions and schedule an initial consultation with one of our refractive surgeons.

Alternatively, complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

PHONE: 08 9381 0758
FAX: 08 9381 0700


Lions Eye Institute

Lions Laser Vision
1st Floor,
2 Verdun Street
Nedlands WA 6009

St John of God Murdoch
Murdoch Medical Centre

Suite 4B,
Ground Floor,
100 Murdoch Dr
Murdoch WA 6150