How Long Does Laser Eye Surgery Last?

Laser eye surgery is an investment, so it’s normal to want a healthy return. For many years after laser eye surgery, you can enjoy the freedom of not wearing glasses or contacts and save money that you would have spent on them.

One of the most common questions is, “How long does laser eye surgery last?” The results of laser eye surgery don’t wear off. On the first day, you will notice a substantial change in your eyesight, and after three months, your vision will have completely stabilised. After this time, you shouldn’t experience any change in your eyesight for many years. How long does LASIK last? The effects are typically long-lasting, though the natural ageing process may eventually necessitate glasses or another laser treatment.

Does Laser Eye Surgery Last Forever?

Does laser eye surgery last forever ? The stability of laser eye surgery results can vary depending on individual factors. While many people enjoy long-term vision correction, the effects of ageing may mean you require glasses or another laser treatment later in life. This is less likely in younger people and those with lower levels of near-sightedness.

How Long Does Laser Eye Surgery Take?

The actual laser eye surgery procedure is quite quick. The preparation and post-operative checks are what take the most time. Typically, the surgery itself takes about 20 minutes per eye. This means the whole process, including preparation and recovery time at the clinic, usually lasts around two to three hours.

Peace of Mind

Many people still think of laser eye surgery as new technology. However, surgeries began more than 20 years ago. Millions of people around the world have enjoyed the benefits of laser eye surgery.

Even the latest techniques have been used for more than five years. The research has found laser surgery to be a safe and effective method for correcting poor vision.

Follow-Up Treatment Guarantee

At Lions Laser Vision, we’re so confident that you won’t need follow-up treatment that we offer a guarantee. If, for any reason, in the first two years after treatment you need follow-up surgery, we’ll complete the treatment at no cost to you.

Is Everyone a Good Candidate for Laser Eye Surgery?

No, laser eye surgery is not for everyone. We carefully assess everyone during their first consultation to ensure the surgery will be safe and effective. At Lions Laser Vision, we’ll never recommend a patient have surgery unless we are confident that they will enjoy many years of improved vision after treatment. Everyone who proceeds with laser treatment must meet our strict criteria to ensure surgery is successful.

The criteria for proceeding with treatment may include factors such as:


  • The thickness of your cornea.
  • Having stable eyesight.
  • No eye disease detected.
  • Over the age of 20.
  • Not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Am I Too Old or Too Young for Laser Eye Surgery?

As long as your eyesight is assessed as being stable, you can proceed with laser eye surgery. In our teenage years, our bodies are still maturing and growing – this includes the eyes. It’s a requirement that patients be at least 20 years of age and have had a stable prescription for two years to ensure their eyes have stopped changing.

Return on Investment

As mentioned, you can expect many years of not needing to pay for contact lenses or prescription glasses after having laser eye surgery. There’s also the convenience of not having to worry about putting contacts in and removing them each day.

The average cost of contacts can vary from as little as $175 to $1,400 per annum depending on the type of contact lens you prefer and your level of Extras health insurance. If you know what you’re paying for contacts, saline and health insurance, you’ll be able to get a rough idea of what contacts will cost over the next decade or two. Many of our patients say the convenience of not having to wear contacts or glasses each day is worth the cost of the surgery alone, and that not having to pay for contacts every quarter is a bonus.

Assessing Your Suitability for Laser Eye Surgery

It’s important to know whether you’re a suitable candidate for laser eye surgery or not before you proceed or make plans to throw away your glasses. Thankfully, you can get a good indication of your suitability without spending time and money on a consultation. Take our free online suitability test for a reliable indication on whether or not to proceed with making an appointment.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss laser eye surgery further, please give us a call on (08) 9381 0758 or contact us online.

Contact Lions Laser Vision

Please call us at Lions Laser Vision and speak with one of our clinical coordinators who will be able to answer your questions and schedule an initial consultation with one of our refractive surgeons.

Alternatively, complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

PHONE: 08 9381 0758
FAX: 08 9381 0700


Lions Eye Institute

Lions Laser Vision
1st Floor,
2 Verdun Street
Nedlands WA 6009

St John of God Murdoch
Murdoch Medical Centre

Suite 4B,
Ground Floor,
100 Murdoch Dr
Murdoch WA 6150